Thursday, November 19, 2009

What is the Impact of the Internet in learning education?

There are many impact of Internet in Education just like
being addicted in surfing in the Internet.
There are many lots of advantages and disadvantages
of Internet in Education.
One of the advantages of Internet is you can easily surf in the
Internet if you have some assignments,
projects, etc. If you need some information in your reports, you
need not to worry because all of your problems will be solve through
The disadvantages of Internet, is it's because you can easily
browse in he Internet you became dependent on the Internet. You cannot
live without the presents of its.


  1. So start today, minimize now to use Internet because it can make you dependent about your studies.

  2. being an internet user, use your time regularly in using computer. and specify what are those effects...

  3. another disadvantages of internet is to become people addicted and dependent.

  4. through internet we can easily find the solution of our problem specially in education....
